
I give thanks to God for delivering me from the dizzy spells that have tormented me for years. As a result of my deliverance today from the unforgivness of my mother and my uncle and the dizziness that tormented my being, I feel light and can now walk fast. I was unable to do this before.


This is a new day for me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I came in with sore knees. I don't feel pain anymore - I feel so light.


I am free from anxiety, fear, shame, suicidal thoughts, depression. And we reversed the effects from my marriage. I received my start into financial wealth for a new business, and I'm just so glad I came. My husband didn't realize some of the issues, but God set this appointment for me, and I'm grateful I came. Thank you guys so much!


I didn't know what to expect in the healing room, but the experience was literally breathtaking. The minister's words and song have brought me the hope I thought I had lost. It was a powerful session, and I leave knowing that the angels are encamped all around me.


My sister and I received prayer together. We spoke about our family. They prayed for us, and we began to cough up what did not belong. My sister and I were prayed for, to be healed of scoliosis and our bloodline to be healed of this curse and any other curse. I felt like something was leaving my body and feet tingly. My sister danced and it continued the healing process of her back. She used to have a huge bump, and I see a major improvement. I cried tears of joy. I'm so happy that my sister is healed of scoliosis, and also my other sister, was prayed for though not present. She also needs healing for scoliosis. We are so blessed! Thank you!


I came to be prayed for concerning issues with my reproductive system and received both physical and spiritual healing for not just that area but in various parts of my body and soul. I left rejoicing with a song borne from heaven and prophetic confirmation, affirmation, and instruction for my husband and myself. The team was awesome! Divinely inspired!!


I came with my daughter. I have seen a visible change in her demeanor. I came today with my husband. He has been making efforts to change since his best session. Today, the prayer and revelations have left me feeling released, empty of heaviness, loved, accepted and most importantly: FREE! Glory to God! Big thank you to the team!


I came in with back pain, which I have had for many years, since birth. This pain was exacerbated when I had an accident several years ago. After going to several doctors and including chiropractors, the pain has gotten worse. Today I received my healing. My spine is not just straightened but strengthened. I feel like a new person, light and peaceful. I received words of prophecy.


My experience here was overwhelming. I felt joy and peace, I am feeling delivered. I thank God I came. My soul has been renewed and refreshed. I am feeling a sense of joy. I felt love. I felt the Holy Spirit move in the room. No more fear of my future. No more anxiety in getting somewhere to live. I put everything in the hands of God, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.


I love this! Refreshing, all the word prophecy was on point! And God truly speaks. Please continue this ministry. People need you guys.


I came here feeling sick in body, mind, and spirit, but now I'm healed in Jesus' precious name. Amen.


Wonderful experience. Release in my knees and back. More freedom to move without pain. Thank You Lord for Your goodness!